An identifier for the party providing the data Online Profiles ie Facebook, Twitter etc The Country a Person was born (ISO3166-3 standards) The Country the Person currently resides (ISO3166-3 standards) Height in Centimeters Weight in Kilograms The Discipline eg Tennis, Beach Tennis, Wheelchair Tennis etc Match Duration in total minutes Temperature in degrees Celsius Humidity as a percentage Set Duration in total minutes The Season in which the Tournament is run eg Summer 2019 Any Coach, Official, Umpire or Player etc associated with the Tournament The country the Participant is representing (ISO3166-3 standards) Preferred Given Name (ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin-1 script) Preferred Family Name (ISO/IEC 8859-1 Latin-1 script) Passport Given Name (ASCII only, based on ICAO and ISO/IEC 7501-1 standards) - used primarily for matching players Passport Family Name (ASCII only, based on ICAO and ISO/IEC 7501-1 standards) - used primarily for matching players Native Team Name (Unicode) - preferred name in localised characterset Native Given Name (Unicode) - preferred name in localised characterset Native Family Name (Unicode) - preferred name in localised characterset Other Names not captured on Native, Passport or Preferred Previous Names usually through marriage The Nationality (ISO3166-3 standards) The Country (ISO3166-3 standards) The Country Hosting the Tournament (ISO3166-3 standards) Defines if a match was played indoor or outdoor Defines the Level of play ie International/Zonal/National/Regional/District/Club/Recreational Defines the Level of play ie International/Zonal/National/Regional/District/Club/Recreational Disciplines of Tennis ie Tennis, Beach Tennis or Wheelchair Tennis Wheelchair classes ie Quadriplegic or Standard