Version 0.7

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[0.7] [2019-10-16] Changed: Moved Tennis->Matches to Tennis->Tournament->Matches
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Changed: Contact->IsPrivate from string to boolean
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Added: Match->DrawId
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Added: WorldTennisNumber->WorldTennisNumberType (Singles, Doubles)
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Removed: Singular elements from Tennis (Court, Match, OrderOfPlay, Organisation, Person, Statistic, Team, Venue)
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Removed: nillable=true
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Removed: OrderOfPlayItem->Tournament, Match, Tie
[0.7] [2019-10-16] Removed: Team->Tournaments, Matches

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