Project Information

Project Information


This project was started by the ITF in January 2019 in response to the increasingly diverse usage of data as well as its methods of exchange. However, after create version 0.1, the ITF began to open the TODS up for feedback, change requests, questions and input from a select number of stakeholders within the wider Tennis community. This is because, for Open Data Standards to be successful, they need to be fit for purpose worldwide, rather than just being able to fill our specific needs. Put simply, this project will not succeed without significant input, requiring an investment of time and effort from anyone who handles data in the sport of tennis.

The project method follows a development cycle not dissimilar to Agile Sprint in that we have no set end date or specifically defined functional requirements. Instead we focus upon continuous development and feedback allowing for fast-paced change and an end result defined by users, not by the ITF. Once we forsee no major required changes required in either data fields or format then we know that we will have the TODS in a stable position for adoption. Thus far, as a result of the feedback and support we have received, we have been able to release regular updates to the TODS. Our latest version is 0.8, released on the 20th July 2020.

Our first practical usage of the TODS will be in support of sending data as part of the World Tennis Number (WTN) project. As such, our main source of feedback originally came from the National Associations that were the early adopters in that project. It has since extended to include:

  1. Tournament Management companies
  2. Application developers
  3. A wide range of other 3rd party providers

Although there will be a stable version from which to begin adoption, the TODS will always remain live, to ensure that it reflects the newest technological data needs of the sport.

TODS Status 

The TODS are still in the cycle of review and development to incorporate the comments, thoughts and changes that have been suggested. We also continue to improve and expand our support documentation to better assist people in understanding the project and to prepare for adoption so that they can start using the standards.

Version Details:  

  • Latest Version 0.8 - 20th July 2020. Fully supported version.

Change Requests 

If anyone wants to input a change request they can do so. If the change is complex or large, we may require a detailed explanation of the extent of the change and an example of how the change element should be within the TODS. 

Each change goes under review and is weighed using the principles of the TODS.


If you have any questions or want to be involved in the project, please do contact us at ITFTODS@itftennis.com .


 As part of the adoption process, the ITF is looking to create a steering committee who will help determine future changes and development. Although we wish to remain on that Committee and we are happy to continue to take on large amount of the development work needed, we want to share responsibility for the future development of the TODS so that they can fairly review all new ideas and changes.

We will provide more detail here once we move into our initial adoption phase.

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