Tournament Level

Tournament Level


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What is Tournament Level?

Tournament level is an indicator of the typical quality of tennis played at a particular tournament. This is a guiding assessment of the average ability of participants. 

Tournament Level Codes

INTInternationalInternational standard tennis players.

Players competing on and tournaments that are part of the ATP, WTA or ITF tours. 

NATNationalTop tier major National Tournaments sanctioned by a National Association including players of a national standard.

National Championships

REGRegionalTournament participants play in leagues or tournaments that can represent a diverse collection of large and distinct areas.

College / University Leagues

Inter-county / state Leagues

DISDistrictTournament or Leagues within well defined large areas, with representatives all from that area.  OR Players of district or county level standard.

Tournaments to join County level teams

LOCLocalInter club tournaments or leagues or local leagues. 

A tennis league for amateur players who could come from a number of different clubs.

CLBClubIndividual internal club tournaments or leagues just within a tennis club

Club Tournaments

RECRecreationalNot sanctioned by a Nation AssociationCasual competitive tennis

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